Play to Win, Profit & Entertain: a Study of Double Performance as Athlete and Streamer

Seula Roger Amaro Mariana Fragoso Suely
2018 DiGRA '18 - Proceedings of the 2018 DiGRA International Conference: The Game is the Message

The differences between esports and live streaming are less than obvious and tend to become more diffuse as pro-players take advantage of popularity gained in esports to promote themselves as live streamers. The study presented in this paper intended to characterize the intersection between these two roles and activities, as represented in a case study. Methodological procedures involved observation, recording and mapping of 20 broadcasts. The discussion is supported by the notion of mediation, as proposed by the Latin American Communication School, performance theories and previous literature on the two activities, most of which focuses on one or the other. Results confirmed the need for different competences and the influence of different mediations in the two types of activity. In the case study, the contrast between the pro-player and the streamer personas granted authenticity to the latter, but the streamer persona was at service of the professional persona, not the other way around.


Prank, Troll, Gross and Gore: Performance Issues in Esport Live-Streaming

Karhulahti Veli-Matti
2016 DiGRA/FDG '16 - Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG

This article examines the functions of prank performance and troll performance for the aesthetics of personal live-streaming, i.e. the practice of live-streaming one’s personal performance via platforms such as The study is based on a close analysis of personal esport live-streamer Ali Larsen, aka Gross Gore, via a 12-month observation period. With help of Goffmanian frame theory the notions of interview frame and play frame are introduced as the basic cognitive tools for organizing personal esport livestream experiences. The study concludes by proposing three factors that are vital for the aesthetics of personal live-streaming in general: (1) the feeling of affecting live-streams, (2) the suspense that derives from expecting something unexpected to happen in livestreams, and (3) the sharing of dramatic developments that occur in live-streams.