What’s My Game Character Worth – The Value Components of MMOG Characters

Kujanpää Tomi Manninen Tony Vallius Laura
2007 DiGRA '07 - Proceedings of the 2007 DiGRA International Conference: Situated Play

How does one’s game character gain value in online multiplayer game? What are the elements that contribute to the overall virtual identity of a player? Throughout the history of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) game characters have remained central figures for all types of in-game interaction and value perception. Recently, MMOGs have evolved to a stage where at least parts of one’s identity are for sale. In this paper, we apply a motivational framework to analyse the specific value structures of one’s virtual identity. As a result, we indicate how achievement, social and immersive aspects of one’s game character form the personal value that player bestows on the game character. Furthermore, we conclude how these aspects offer possibilities for new business implications on the future MMOGs.


Interaction Manifestations at the Roots of Experiencing Multiplayer Computer Games

Vallius Laura Manninen Tony Kujanpää Tomi
2007 DiGRA '07 - Proceedings of the 2007 DiGRA International Conference: Situated Play

Today’s computer games offer players stunning audiovisual environments, intense action, adventures, puzzles and crowded worlds with vast amounts of other players to play with. Consequently, play experience is a combination of numerable variables. This study focuses on understanding how interaction manifestations of games participate in the process of experiencing multiplayer game environments. Rich Interaction Model is used as a theoretical framework for analysing experiencing of interaction. Two experimental games are used in the analysis as examples. The results of this study are preliminary guidelines of how interaction manifestations affect experiencing games