Creating Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games using an adaptive narration model based on a user’s model

Natkin Stéphane Yan Chen Jumpertz Sylvie Marquet Bernard
2007 DiGRA '07 - Proceedings of the 2007 DiGRA International Conference: Situated Play

Mixed reality technology and ubiquitous computing allow the user-centred design to provide an adaptable and personal content at any time and in any context. In this paper, we present a method to develop Multiplayer Ubiquitous Games (MUG). Our approach is using a narrative mechanism correlated to a user's model, which stimulates the user's physical interaction with the real world and his social interaction with other users. We refine the information of user's model in three classes: user by himself, user as a player and user as an avatar. User's social characteristics and personality traits are featured in the game by using the big-five-factors model. A decision process proposes quests to the player according to his profile and a narration scheme.