CfP: Special Session, Panel and Workshop on “Facilitating Spontaneous Humor” (@INTETAIN 2014)

Humor researchers, game designers, human-computer interaction researchers, interactive media researchers, comedy writers, and artists are invited to contribute to this event.

Held in conjunction with INTETAIN 2014, 6th International Conference on Intelligen Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, that will take place in Chicago, United States,

July 9–11, 2014.

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CfP: Game-based Learning in Systems Thinking (Vienna)

Game-based learning is one of the current buzzwords almost everywhere, even if the successful examples are few and far between. The worldwide systems movement could greatly benefit from a critical survey of research and insight in this field, furthering the application of game based learning principles to various fields within the scope of the conference.

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Call for games and Papers – European Serious Games Awards

The European Serious Games Awards aims to celebrate the best works on games for learning in Europe. Organized by GALA (an European Network of Excellence dedicated to research on Serious Games), these awards are based on a scientific analysis of the games by members of GALA and experts from the GALA network . We will evaluate the learning qualities of the submitted games, in order to reward the best ones. We will also give an award to students doing research on games for learning.

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Graduate Recruitment awards in Games Studies at Concordia in Montreal for Sept 2014

Concordia University and the Technoculture, Art and Games Research Centre ( are offering substantial 3 year PhD recruitment awards (up to $25,000 CAD per year not including other awards and fellowships) for students wishing to pursue graduate work in humanities/cultural studies related game studies. This initiative is offered in conjunction with a 7 year Canadian network grant called IMMERSe (the Interactive and Multi-Modal Experience Research Syndicate) which involves researchers and students at the University of Waterloo, University of California at Davis, McMaster University and Ryerson University (amongst others).

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CfP: “Digital Science Fiction” – Science Fiction Studies special issue (Guest Editor: Paweł Frelik)

In the last few decades, digital technologies have dramatically reconfigured not only the circumstances of media production and dissemination, but also cultural genres and conventions expressed in them. Science fiction has not been immune to these changes, but their impact extends far beyond mere enhancement of sound or vision. In older media, such as science fiction film and television, special effects and non-linear editing have affected aesthetics as well as story-telling strategies and stories themselves. New sf media have emerged, too, most readily exemplified by video games.
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CfP: Game History Annual Symposium 2014 (Montreal, Canada)

In spite of preservation and accessibility issues, the history of video games has become a topic of interest for a growing community of scholars and museum curators around the world. In Digital Play (2003), Stephen Kline, Greig de Peuter and Nick Dyer-Witheford invited us to understand video games as a complex network of interactions between industrial structures, technological innovations and sociocultural exchanges. In doing so, they also provided us with a useful tool to map out which areas have been explored more thoroughly, and which have been left out.

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